Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Keurig - My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filters

My coffee story:

I've been using my Keurig K-cup coffee machine at work for about the last 4 months now, and I love it. It's easy to get a great cup of coffee in the morning, and all of my co-workers and I can each get a coffee flavor or strength that suits our individual tastes. I'm known as the "extra bold" guy, who likes his coffee strong enough and thick enough to hold a fork up. I had thought that the Keurig was meeting all our needs until I found out that I could also get a regular filter so that I could get my own beans roasted and ground myself and make what perhaps might be the perfect cup of coffee.

So, that's what I did. I went to a local gourmet coffee shop that not only grinds beans, but also does their own roasting too. I bought a pound of Columbian beans that had been roasted to a dark Italian roast, and then they ground them with their special burr grinder. When all was said and done, I had a pound of fresh roasted, freshly ground coffee beans.

The next day at work was ecstasy, I was able to put my fresh ground coffee into my also newly acquired Keurig gold filter. Everyone liked the new way of making coffee. We even bring in filtered water now so that we don't have to use our regular tap water which is often over chlorinated.

The best cup of coffee I've ever had was in northern Italy (Alba), but this was a close second, and was made possible by the combination of fresh ground and roasted coffee, and my Keurig gold K-cup filter. I

The cups themselves are pretty cheap, and they're reusable so they make economic sense over buying the regular cups, plus you get the added benefit of creating your own blends and making your coffee the way that you want it.

Jack Flanders Loves his K-cup coffee filter

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